Established in 1974

MACA is comprised of over 230 lawyers from Prosecutions Service, Legal Services Branch, Office of Legislative Counsel, and the Office of the Public Guardian and Trustee

Welcome to the Manitoba Association of Crown Attorneys’ (MACA) Website. MACA represents Crown Attorneys employed by the Department of Justice, Manitoba, and other lawyers employed by the Government of Manitoba.

MACA is committed to the promotion and protection of the professional interests of its members and to those of the administration of justice, and works toward collectively bargained agreements on its members’ behalf.

2024 Executive Election

Congratulations to our new executive board, and thank you to those who ran in the election. The new composition of our Executive for 2024 to 2026 is as follows: President – Chris Vandhooft VP Prosecutions – Michael Desautels VP Civil – Devin Johnston VP Regions – Sam...

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Update to the Executive

There has been a number of changes to the MACA Executive in the last few weeks.  Our President Jennifer Mann and Treasurer Denis Guenette have both taken new positions and we wish them success in their new roles. Their endless contributions were beyond measure, and we...

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Annual General Meeting and New Executive

Thank you to all who attended our first virtual Annual General Meeting last week. Congratulations to our new executive board, and thank you to those who ran in the election. The new composition of our executive is as follows: President: Jennifer Mann Vice President...

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As set out in our Constitution, the objectives of the Manitoba Association of Crown Attorneys are:


To promote improvement of the conditions of employment of its members.


To represent its members in respect of salaries, pensions, hours of work, other working conditions, and any other matters relating to the relationship between its members and their employer.


To establish a collective bargaining relationship with the employer of its members.


To further good fellowship amongst its members.


To promote and encourage the professional development of its members.


To do all things that are incidental or conducive to the attainment of the above objects.